Friday Favorites

Hello everyone!!!! I have been thinking this week about new fun things to talk about, and I thought it would be great to share some of my favorite things right now and since it is Friday I thought I could just call this my “Friday Favorites.” I have a few random things that I am…

Where I Buy Baby Clothes….

One of the number one questions I get from people are ” Where do you buy Brylee’s clothes, you always dress her so cute” I then begin to tell them the many places I love to shop for my sweet little girl. So with this being on my mind I decided I would do a…

Easter Basket Ideas 2019

HELLO everyone!!!! I hope you are excited about this warm weather I know I am, with the sunshine and warm spring air coming through it is making me so happy about the upcoming seasons. Easter is coming up soon ( and this will be my sweet little girls 1st Easter) so I started thinking about…

Baby MUST Haves and Helpful Tips

  HELLO… Long time no blog???? It has been a while since I have posted, and I am sorry, but if you know me then you know my life has changed just a little bit over the last year! WE HAD A BABY!!!!! We welcomed our sweet little girl in December and she has been…

Mostly it is Loss which Teaches Us About the Worth of Things.

An old cartoon once said “How lucky am I to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard” when I really got to think about what that is saying I instantly began to smile. Why you ask? Well because throughout our life (short and long) we meet so many people each day, at work, the…

Why I LOVE Inspirational Quotes?

Have you ever noticed that things we do can be forgotten in minutes, but the words we say can be remembered for a life time? This has always seemed crazy to me because it takes so much more effort to do something than to say something. What I have found out over the years is that…

My Top 10 Affordable Beauty Products

As most of you already know I am a makeup addict, I spend most of my time either in Sephora or shopping online, and with that being said that comes with a high price. Now I will say pretty much everything high end product that I have purchased has been amazing and I love them, but…